Through a combination of lectures and problem-solving sessions, this On-Demand module will teach statistical techniques you can put to immediate use in your workplace.
This audio lecture encapsulates the material in the full-fledged course and provides its listener with an overview of the various topics of engineering useful to the chemist who is ambitious about bringing his brainchild to fruition.
By acquiring the essential know-how of chemical engineering, the research chemist is prepared to analyze his project as a whole and to successfully identify and rank-order the pockets of uncertainty that constitute a threat for his project.
This module will walk you step-by-step through twelve Microsoft Excel examples that will cover a number of introductory and advanced topics in statistical analysis. By the end of this module you will be able to quickly set up Excel spreadsheets for analysis of your own experimental data. Excel files of examples, demonstrated in this module, will be available for you to download.
Understand the fundamentals of statistical treatment of laboratory data and learn how to solve basic data analysis problems with the help of Excel. Through a combination of lectures and problem-solving sessions, this On-Demand module will teach statistical techniques you can put to immediate use in your workplace. Example Excel files demonstrated in this module will be available for you to download.
Learn the basics of calibration principles of laboratory methodology and instrumentation.